2012年11月8日 星期四

SkyDrive REST API for Windows desktop app (1)

I researched for a week to figure out that has there any source code or samples for this issue. But it seems like difficult build-on the desktop apps, and very difference with previous version of Live SDK. Finally, I found and followed the Getting Start of REST API in Microsoft Live Connect Center to build my desktop application.

Step 1: Create and manage application on Live Connect Center

In first, you must sign-on the manager page of Live Connect Center, then create and manage your applications.

Fill out all of required information, it shows the Client ID for your client-side application.

Then now, we can start to write client-side application for using SkyDrive REST API.

Step 2: Implement client-side authentication

Difference with the guideline of user signing, I would like to use access token for client-side authentication, so there is a little change that I set the response_type=token .
Following is the request URL of Live Connect Oauth 2.0


CLIENT_ID : the client id of managed application on Live Connect Center
SCOPE_STRING : permissions which gets from the user to access their info on app, see also guideline of scopes and permissions.

After user agree the consent, Oauth 2.0 API will return a URL that contains token and expired time, looks like


The access_token would be found in the URL fragment if user sign-in and authorized successfully.

Here is a sample code which I implement the authentication by using WebBrowser class in C#
 private static string scope = "wl.signin%20wl.skydrive%20wl.skydrive_update";  
 private const string client_id = "0000000000012345";  
 private static Uri signInUrl = new Uri(String .Format(@"https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?client_id={0}&scope={1}&response_type=token&redirect_uri=https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf", client_id, scope));  
 webBrowser.LoadCompleted += webBrowser_LoadCompleted;  
 private void webBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)  
   if (e.Uri.Fragment.Contains("access_token"))  
     if (App.Current.Properties.Contains("oauthData"))  
     App.Current.Properties.Add("oauthData", 1);  
     string[] responseOauth = Regex.Split(e.Uri.Fragment.Remove(0, 1), "&");  
     for (int i = 0; i < responseOauth.Count(); i++)  
       string[] nvPair = Regex.Split(responseOauth[i], "=");  
       App.Current.Properties.Add(nvPair[0], responseOauth[i]);  

#file retrieving and uploading will be continued in the next article

